15 September 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Since you'll never see this rare film,


Here is a short synopsis:

The film begins with a voice over about escapees from the war in Europe. On the island of Guadalupe in 1944 refugees wait and hope to enter the US. The Guadalupe government warns the refugees not to pay money to smugglers who will take their money and kill them at sea. One group of these smugglers consist of the three brothers Angelo, Luigi, and Marco who regularly rip-off the refugees. [The brothers seem like a twisted version of the Marx brothers - they are suppose to be Portuguese but they have bad Italian accents. Angelo is Groucho without the wise cracks, Luigi is like an evil Chico, and Marco is like Harpo, without the Harp, as he only hums and whistles (he only speaks once in the film)].

Anyway, this crazy guy called by the villagers "Hombre or The Insane One" lives with the brothers and his only talent is that he plays the piano in the local abandoned bar. His playing bothers the brothers to no end. Hombre stares into space and remembers....

A flashback reveals that Hombre is actually Jan Volny, a Czech pianist engaged to Marya. After a concert where he plays a forbidden piece the Nazis arrest him but not before he sends Marya away to Paris. During the interrogation, a commandant hits Jan on the head with a candleholder and causes him to become bug-eyed, giving him amnesia. On the train to the concentration camp, he is given a harmonica and starts to play the forbidden piece. Immediately the two Nazis guarding him attack him. Fighting them off, he knocks them out and escapes. Next thing you know he is hiding in Lisbon and watches the three Portuguese? brothers mentioned earlier beat a woman up (we never find out why).

Back at the bar Hombre (Jan) begins to play the forbidden piece again on the piano. Across the courtyard Marya (Somehow she is in Guadeloupe also) hears the music and thinks it might be her lost love Jan. She runs down into the courtyard and quickly collapses. Jan hears her collapse and goes out into the courtyard and finds her. He slowly begins to remember her and takes her back to the people she is staying with. He staggers away, confused, back to the bar. Luigi enters the bar enraged that Hombre is playing piano again, shoots him. In comes Angelo who is angry that his brother killed? Hombre. They fight and look down to see that Hombre has disappeared. Luigi then grabs a knife and kills Angelo.

Jan goes back to Marya's apartment and cries over her body. She has died of pneumonia. In voice over, Marya vows that she will wait for Jan.

End of film. Very weird and really what was the point?
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