One of the Best Movies Ever
2 December 1999
Three scenes stand out in my mind:

1. Myrna Loy asking her daughter who is at the door, and the expression that comes over her face as she realizes her husband is finally home from the war.

2. Wilma helping Homer into bed, convincing him that despite all odds, despite the fact that he has lost his hands, she loves him and wants desperately to marry him.

3. Dana Andrews sitting with Teresa Wright in the nightclub, as their picture is taken by the roving photographer.

This film is so exquisite that it is hard to describe the scenes in words. Make sure you have a box of Kleenex handy when you watch. This film doesn't beg for your sympathy, but the delicate poignancy with which the film is handled, as well as the empathy you develop for the characters, will have you weeping like a baby.
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