And on, and on, and on, and on
31 August 2000
WOW!!! I have never seen such a slugfest. And the interesting thing is the both the hero, Richard Webb and the bad guys, Lane Bradford and John Crawford just keep taking a licking and keep on ticking. There are more punches thrown in the 12 chapters than in a heavyweight championship match. There are also more people being tossed around and wrestled to the ground than in a championship wrestling match. Within minutes, after our hero has been pummeled senseless, he is back chasing the bad guys.

I never saw any serials in the movies as I was growing up, but to me it would be very frustrating to see about 15 to 20 minutes of film and the last scene of the chapter has our hero in some dire life and death situation. If I had seen this in the movies, I would have to wait at least a week to find out how our hero Lane Carlson (the future Captain Midnight) was able to survive the ordeal and come back with a vengeance in the next chapter to try and apprehend the bad guys.

Thanks to video, I don't have to wait a week, or even an hour. It just depends on what mood I'm in and that determines whether I can sit through the "excitement" of the next chapter.

It was very interesting to see John Hamilton (the future Perry White of Superman) in this movie, even though he had a bit part.

All in all, the movie is interesting enough to hold my attention for all 12 chapters. I think I'll save it for a rainy day. Bring on the popcorn please.
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