Woman's World (1954)
Corporate World Takes Notice of Managers' Wives
22 October 2003
In the 1950's, there were three excellent movies about the corporate world: "Executive Suite" (1954), "Woman's World" (1954), and "Patterns" (1956). June Allyson was lucky to be in the first two movies. "Executive Suite" - a heavy drama about replacing the deceased CEO; and in "Woman's World" - a serious comedy about replacing the general manager. What all three movies have in common, is that they are perfectly cast.

In "Woman's World", the concern is picking the right man with the right wife for the job. Of the three movies mentioned, this is my favorite movie about the corporate world. It's been fifty years since these movies have been made and no current movie has come close to portraying the business world. Back then when there was censorship, the movie world was still able to make good movies about the business world. There should be no excuse why writers can't make movies like they did years ago. Only on television, they did succeed and make the TV movie, "Barbarians at the Gate" (1993).

There are three separate stories about three couples being considered for the job. All three couples were perfectly cast, however, they never worked as couples again. They should have! Of the three couples, my favorite were Van Heflin and Arlene Dahl, portraying a married couple from Texas. They were a great team! Arlene Dahl complimented Van Heflin and Clifton Webb.

While Clifton Webb, the CEO of the automobile company, was looking for the next general manager, he was at his most attractive and authoritative best. Rounding out the cast, the next two big roles were played by Elliott Reid, playing the nephew, and by Margalo Gillmore, as the sister-in-law. They were never better!
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