19 August 2000
I disagree with several of the other reviewers who state that this film is typical Roger Corman. It isn't. Films like Little Shop of Horrors and A Bucket of Blood are Corman quickies AND masterpieces, but this film was only a quickie and a stinker! It is awful in every fiber of its being. The production values are SO low that the film quality is grainy, the sound just audible, the sets and design pieces barely functional, and the acting...yes let's talk about the acting...the acting is incredibly bad by all concerned. In point of fact, there is not one good performance in the whole film. Anthony Carbone is wasted in the role of a gangster...the part too big for his supporting abilities I imagine. Betsy Jones-Moreland croons a song and throws dice through her scenes and utters lines with a complete lack of conviction. Robert Towne is unfunny and thoroughly unlikable in his role as a spy/secret agent aboard a ship carrying Cubans and their gold from Cuba. The worst performance, however, and I say this without any...ANY..hesitation is the guy that makes ridiculous animal sounds throughout the picture and is a jack-ass of epic proportions in every scene he is in. I mean this guy is so bad he couldn't be an extra in a Herschell Gordon Lewis picture! This film, plainly put, sucks!
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