Hand of Death (1962)
Rehash of the typical 60's horror movies
27 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers

I hadn't seen this movie before, much less heard of it, until Fox Movies channel started showing it. I'm a big fan of the 60's B-movie scene and this movie didn't surprise me nor show me anything new. But it was, nonetheless, enjoyable despite the very dark print and crazy music.

It's taken the typical storyline from that era - man messes with nature and creates a monster. In this case, government scientist Alex Marsh (John Agar), is creating a nerve gas and is exposed to it which converts him into a black, bloated mass of burned flesh with the touch that kills. In his insanity, he looks for a cure from other scientist friends but leaves a trail of accidental deaths behind him (he does intentionally kill one cab driver, though!)

Since I hadn't seen this movie before, I found myself thinking that maybe he would be cured and no charges would be filed - hey, it's a sci-fi/horror flick from the 60's! At one point, I was even thinking the ocean water would cure him but alas, there is no cure but a single shot from a police gun as he was lunging to attack.

Running less than an hour, I do have to say, it did keep me watching and was a nice appetizer. You have to remember that these kinds of movies from the 60's didn't usually last more than an hour. The acting was wooden and Agar, the little of it he had to do, was not as impressive as he was in "Revenge of the Creature" and "Tarantula". I thought that the guest appearance of Joe Besser (Three Stooges fame) as the gas station attendant was the most memorable with his comical one liners like "It doesn't pay to get out of bed sometimes". Another good, but expected scene, was the little boy on the beach (who happens to be Butch Patrick of the Munsters fame) encountering the "blob".

Overall, this movie is okay if you don't mind the short, typical, 60's B-movie. Would I buy it on DVD if released? Probably, but I wouldn't spend over $10 for it.

As a side note, if anyone with cable or satellite that gets the Fox Movies channel should Favorite it as they have been showing some really great movies.
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