genuine Fleming
21 March 2004
The one and only Bond-movie that truly sticks to the spirit Ian Fleming created in his Bond-novels.

Its predecessor 'Dr. No' just was to low-budgetted to reflect Fleming's ideas well. The Bond-movies afterwards left Fleming's consistent plots, realizing that a quick follow-up of spectacular gimmicks on sex and violence brings in more cash.

Seen from this point of view, 'From Russia with Love' is the Bond-movie par excellence. It's story is good and consistent. Beautiful female lead Daniela Bianchi is allowed to carry her character Tatjana Romanova through the entire movie, developing it credibly. Bianchi plays a woman of flesh and blood here, a pretty rare occurrence in later Bond movies. She even reveals a flash of blatant nudity, which is very unusual in any Bond-movie ever. And back in 1963 rightout revolutionary.

Male leads Sean Connery and Robert Grant do equally well. But it's no doubt veteran actress Lotte Lenya who lifts 'From Russia with Love' above the average Bond-level. Acting out deflected SMERSH-chief Rosa Klebb, her performance is absolutely glittering - the very best I have seen in any Bond-movie.

More charm is added by using the somewhat mysterious interior of the world-famous Istanbul-mosque. And also by using the 'Oriënt Express', known in Europe as a legendarily romantic railroad-track between Istanbul and Paris.

'From Russia with Love' is my favorite Bond-movie.
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