Handed down from the fates: it's awful!
30 April 1999
Well, it doesn't get much worse than "Manos, the Hands of Fate". When I saw this on MST3K, I couldn't believe that it was a real movie. It looked like something I would've made with my Dad's old movie camera in junior high, but a lot worse.

Even with my robot buddies and Joel, I found this extremely difficult to sit through in any kind of coherent state. I think I actually drifted out of consciousness a couple of times, crippled by this "film's" horridness. My sister actually managed to watch every agonizing minute, so she's made of stronger stuff than I am.

Torgo and his leitmotif cracked me up (especially when reprised at the end of the MST3K version), as did the ridiculously redundant title (as pointed out by another astute viewer here). I just have flashes of this movie in my mind, like something from a surreal, horrible nightmare.

At first, I was going to say that "Manos" should be able to inspire anyone to make a movie, since there's a pretty darn good chance that it would be better. Then again, someone could just go out and inflict another "Manos" on an unsuspecting world.

"Manos" proves that the movie camera is a weapon that can inflict real suffering on viewers and should never be used lightly! Watch this movie with extreme caution!
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