More Giant Chickens.
5 February 2000
Well, I pulled a double shot here, seeing a friend's 'X from Outer Space' first(Aaaarrrgghhh!!!) and then This. Great, THREE giant chickens instead of just the one. This did have more of a budget, but then that's like saying Cannon Films basic 80s work was better than USA network TV movies because Cannon had a bigger budget too. But whatever you wanna spend on it, dreck is still Dreck.

Here they trot out the old King Kong plotline, going to a jungle island, disturb the natives, steal a monster, bring it back to be a Zoo attraction, get the parent monsters mad and on the war path, lots of destruction and etc ensue. Here you have all the cliches-bad miniature tanks, so-so city sets being trashed and stomped on by guys in giant Chicken rubber suits, platic acting and worse dubbing, some weird comedy relief, some of it unintentional, and strange Monster sound FX that seem to be a cross between a lion with constipation and an over zealous pack of coyotes...What can I say? The FX were somewhat better than what you see in X from Outer Space, but not by too too much-plus instead of looking like big Guinea Hens, these have more of a Sam the Eagle from the Muppets look.

However you wanna describe it-its still a poor 1967 rubber suited monster movie. See one of these and you see them all, seems to me.

Nothing of note happens in this that you haven't seen before, save that the two parent Gappas get reunited with their kid and flap off to their little Obelisk Island at the end, the sunsets, the strings swell up and the characters muse about respecting Nature and etc. better next time. Gee where have we seen THAT before...

I will give this one ** outta ****, one for each Gappa-but don't be fooled, it's not any better than X from Outer Space save they spent a little more $$ on the bad F/X and rubber suits this time around.

Godzilla much better.
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