Black Lizard (1968)
A Lost Gem
23 September 2001
This movie from the king of yakuza (gang) films is a big departure from his other films. This movie is the penultimate camp/action film. Anyone who has been taken in with the martial arts films (esp. from Hong Kong) of late, should check this out. It's less focused on the action sequences than it is in developing a verbal tit-for-tat sparring between the villain & the policeman who is pursuing her (w/ whom she is also secretly in love). Having a villain who is a lovelorn but vengeful drama queen is a refreshing break from the usual Asian action fare (1970's - present) & demonstrates that despite better technical skill & more special effects, the art of cinema hasn't necessarily improved because of mastering new technology. I can't remember the last time I've laughed so hard in a movie. Seek this one out.
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