Review of Revolution

Revolution (1968)
by, for and about hippies
25 November 2003
Revolution is kind of interesting at first, just to see Haight Ashbury at the height of hippiedom, but the movie is so shapeless and rambling that by the last half hour I was fast forwarding through dozens of naked hippie chicks because I just couldn't take any more. It's also very strange to see a documentary with a star, in this case Today Malone. There are documentaries that focus on someone, but this seems more like the director had a crush on a girl and decided he would feature her in a movie so he could hang out with her, or something.

One imagines the filmmakers were stoned while shooting and editing. Nothing has any sort of context and amazingly dull, stupid people are allowed to prattle on at great length. Still, watching the movie it does look like it would have been fun to be part of the whole thing.
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