I'm sorry to say my least favourite Russ Meyer movie. Mediocre stuff from the sleazemaster. Warning! Contains full frontal Charles Napier!
10 February 2003
Try as I might I can never get as enthused about 'Cherry, Harry and Raquel!' as much as I am about nearly every other Russ Meyer movie I've seen. It starts off well enough with an impassioned plea against censorship superimposed over a background montage which includes two buxom babes rubbing their breasts together. It looks like it is going to be Meyer at his most outrageous, but sadly it gets very dull very quickly. The script is just simply not up to Meyer's usual high standards, either plot-wise or dialogue-wise. It's co-written by Meyer with Tom Wolfe, though don't get excited it's not THE Tom Wolfe of 'Electric Kool Aid Acid Test' fame. Now THAT could have been something! Anyway, legendary tough guy character actor Charles Napier plays Harry, a corrupt sheriff involved in the smuggling of "the mind bending narcotic" marijuana. His partner is played by another Meyer regular, the fabulous Franklin Bolger. Napier and Bolger almost single-handedly salvage this mediocre movie, which almost comes to a standstill every time Cherry (Linda Ashton) and Raquel (Larissa Ely) are on screen. This was their first and last Meyer movie, and it's no mystery why, they just aren't up to the standards set by Tura Satana, Haji, Erica Gavin or Kitten Natividad. If anyone of those actresses were substituted for Ashton or Ely this movie might have really sizzled. Another legendary Meyer babe Uschi Digard IS on hand for naked dancing and posing against the desert locations, which is very striking and memorable, but Uschi, Napier and Bolger aren't really enough for me. I still find this one a great disappointment. I would only recommend it to a diehard Meyer fan. Others looking for an introduction into his astonishing oeuvre would be better to start with 'Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill!', 'Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls', or 'Supervixens' (which may or may not be a sequel of sorts to this one, as Charles Napier plays a violent cop called Harry in both movies). All three of those are utterly brilliant and are among Meyer's best work.
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