frame it and hang it.
24 November 2002
An artistically pushy, meandering slice of old-school Anti-Hollywoodism which has something to do with a young woman's interest in astrology becoming possibly either beneficial or detrimental to her romantic pursuits and characteristic growth. Initially intriguing and occasionally visually interesting, it unfortunately digresses rapidly into a merciless hurl of vague imagery and willy-nilly abstraction. What could/would/should have been something dreamy and ethereal comes off a strained and woefully hypnogogic zombie-walk(which appears to have been edited with a melon-baller). There may be an ambiguous between-the-lines supernatural/metaphysical element in play here someplace, but the whole affair is just too high-flown to solidly deduce precisely *what* all this claptrap is supposed to mean.

Admittedly, I have not seen another film quite like ELIZA'S HOROSCOPE, and I suppose I would hesitantly recommend it to a few rabid fans of outré' head cinema. Others will surely find it a rough ride on a very slow train to noplace.
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