One Of The Sweatiest Films Ever!
16 August 2001
Man, is this an early 70's movie or what?? Made around the time realistic brutality and violence were embraced, this film makes sure you embrace it too. The camera stays on the murder victims for a long period of time and makes sure the blood is red, REALLY red. Machine gun riddled bodies litter this fun mess of a movie. At the height of Kim Darby's fame, she gives it her all, desperately trying to make ridiculously written scenes work with Scott Wilson, who chews up the garishly decorated scenery. (Wilson's work with Robert Blake in IN Cold Blood still ranks as some of the finest in American film). The actress playing Ma is so over-the-top you gotta love it. It lookslike she was directed with Think Bette Davis!! She snarls, whoops, shouts, I even think they give her a moustache. And boy do they sweat in this movie. The lighting is designed to bring it out and everybody sweats. The cops sweat, the gangsters sweat, the stoolies sweat, even Connie Stevens sweats!
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