You're Like School During a Fire Drill...Nooo Claaaass!!!
17 May 2004
I LOVED THIS SHOW!!!! Who else could retell episodes from his youth in animated form better than Bill Cosby? Between the laughs, messages, stories, and songs, "Fat Albert" is entertainment in its highest form for both kids and adults alike. I know that if it were to run on TV again, I would make strong efforts to watch. Some of the most memorable moments came from the back and fourth sibling rivalry between Rudy and Russel....are they not believable characters or not? But the messages conveyed in each episode had the ability to stick in my mind. When dear old Uncle Monty passed away, the writers honestly presented the issue of death in a caring and real manner. And who can forget the "Scared Straight" episode where the gang got in trouble with the law and had to meet prison inmates face to face. That episode scared me straight too! All in all a terrific show which should be put back in circulation to at least benefit today's kids.
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