The Exorcist (1973)
One of the finest horror films of all time!
28 August 2004
This film does in fact rank as one of the most scariest films of all time. If you watch this film with an open mind it will scare you.

This film isn't so much of a horror film outside of the "Exorcism Scene" it is really more psychological than anything else.

Linda Blair has once said in an interview for E! Entertainment television "The Exorcist is the type of film that will make you think"

During this films initial release back in 1973 it scared the hell out of alot of people when they first saw it. Why did it do this? The ad campaign was brilliant, you didn't really get any clues as to what the film was about other than its title "The Exorcist"

If you were to walk in and watch this film without having any prior knowledge of it, it will scare you. I know there are some that aren't bothered by it at all, however I am sure when they thought about it later, it disturbed them some, maybe even caused them to question there own faith.

The one thing that angers me, is those people who say they have laughed at the film. Laughing at "The Exorcist" shows ones lack of maturity. If you laughed at that film you obviously didn't understand what was going on at all.

The people who have laughed at the masturbation scene offend me, that scene dipicts a desecration of a crucifix and that is no laughing matter, in fact it is disturbing. It's even more disturbing that there are people immature enough to laugh at it.

I do not want to condon any age bracket from watching this film although it is a film for the more mature minded individual. If you should view this film with anyone under the age of 18, please use caution.

I remember the first time I saw this film, I was a young kid, the film scared the hell out of me, I even had a few nightmares. (All this came about from yes and edited version I saw on the Television back then) I didn't want to see it again for a while.

I eventually gained an interest in the film and decided to watch it again, I saw the original version uncut and I liked it, it didn't scare me like it did when I was a kid, however it did and still does disturb me sometimes. The 2000 re-release "The Version you've never seen" provided some added chills with some of the re-instated footage deleted from the original and some rather fast sequences of the demon face that occur rather quickly.

The actual Exorcism scene doesn't bother me anymore, in fact none of the Reagan Demon scenes really bother me anymore, the masturbation scene will always be disturbing. The restored "Spiderwalk sequence" was a nice little scene added for shock value, it shocked me.

This film is purely psychological and you might feel yourself shake a little bit when you think about later even if it doesn't bother you during the viewing.

This film may not get the same reaction today that it did back in 1973 but it still has the power to make you think. Very few films that are made today have the power to creep inside our minds like this one does.

Sit back and watch this film again sometime. here is a dare for you:

"If you think you are man enough or woman enough I dare you to sit through this movie with the lights out, I bet you can't, then again one nevers knows today."
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