Candy is dandy, but the only liquor here is a bloody Mary
12 December 2003
I am partial to films that verge on the surreal, and have enjoyed nearly all Luis Bunuel's films (except for the iconic Bunuel surrealist film, The Andalusian Dog, which is too fragmented even for me), most of the works of Peter Greenaway, and more recent venturings in this direction such as Mulholland Drive. And I especially like Celine and Julie.

It is true that the film is too long, and the first 45 minutes or so are dog-slow. Things gradually pick up, though, as you (hopefully) become intrigued by an adventure the girls have embarked upon; then they pick up more; then they get really wacky; then things go silly-slapstick, there's a sudden thunderclap, the girls fall off the moon, and afterward there's a quiet boat ride to recap.

To summarize: don't let the initial lack of action put you off. Things get more and more interesting, right up till the end. And after the end, there's the fun of puzzling through the various levels of the movie, and what they each mean.

A film for those who would enjoy an "Alice in Wonderland" experience for adults. 10/10

BTW, the "clover/clever" pun is a clumsy attempt to render the repeated gag "persil" (parsley)/"esprit" (spirit, including ghostly spirits).
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