28 October 2002
Laura Antonelli brings whole new dimensions to the word "luscious" in this movie. She makes the seemingly stock character of the barely-reluctant virgin come alive in her scenes with Placido, thanks to her big eyes and adorably trembling lower lip. And then there's that body...

In addition, "Marriage" has a lot of wry commentary on Italy of the early 1900s. The upper class were a ragingly nationalist bunch not unlike some sectors of the U.S. populace today. (It helps the enjoyment of the film if one knows who Gabriele d'Annunzio was.) A conscript's baleful response to a officer's 'fire them up' speech is the funniest line of the film, one I haven't forgotten.

I saw this in a little independent theatre, and went back for a second helping. If you can find this one on video, rent it!
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