Reflections of Murder (1974 TV Movie)
Reflections on Tuesday Weld
8 May 2003
That "Reflections of Murder" is a cut above the average should come as no surprise with a strong cast under director John Badham. It's well paced with the suspense nicely controlled and underlined cleverly with the music of Bach. However the hazy filter through which it seems to have been filmed is out of character and unnecessary.

While fairly enjoyable, not much remains other than the enigma that is Tuesday Weld. Weld's previous film had been "Play It As It Lays" in which her underplayed but haunting performance was to have brought her the recognition her talent deserved. The movie flopped and vanished into oblivion. This turn of events seems to mark a turning point in Weld's career. It had become clear that major stardom would be something that would elude her.

Weld brings to her character in "Reflections of Murder" a complexity and intelligence not written in the script. She's played characters of weakness and vulnerability, strength and cunning, as well as the occasional psychotic; always with intelligence and conviction. Not to mention her natural beauty, which in "Reflections of Murder" is very reminiscent of Jean Seberg, a fellow enigmatic cinematic presence.

All the elements that go toward the making of a cult star are in place. For those among that following, "Reflections of Murder" is compulsory viewing.
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