Review of Ape

Ape (1976)
This can't be serious!
4 January 2002
The first time I watched this, I was so tired at the time, nothing made sense. This movie was no exception. I didn't even get the chance to finish it, I guess I just fell asleep. Well, I watched it again last night and it STILL doesn't make sense! None at all! It's just far too badly done. There are too many mistakes to list, so i won't even attempt to, all I want to know is if the film makers were serious when they made this movie. Because if they were, I pity them. I could make a better movie and look at me. I'm only 16! Ayy yay yay yay!

One out of many things that really bothered me in this movie was the monster. Now, I got over the whole fact that it is blatantly a man in a monkey suit, but some of the things that stuck around and I couldn't get out of my head were the fact that:

1.) The Ape flipped off the camera! What? Last time I checked, Apes don't intentionally flip off cameras or anybody else for that matter.

2.) At one point when the Ape was stomping a village by a mountain, the Ape was wearing high top tennis shoes. Tennis shoes!!!! No, I'm sorry Mr. Film director, Apes don't wear tennis shoes. Please, if you are going to make a movie, and it involves the portrayal of a wild animal with a human in an animal suit, remember, wild animals don't wear clothing. That's just a little fact of life of which everyone needs to be aware.

This was a terrible movie. But not too terrible in a bad way. It was more terrible in a good, funny way. It was fun to watch, it was easy to make fun of, it was an experience to remember. Movies cannot be made this bad on purpose, they are accidents. Terrible terrible accidents. Accidents like 3-Mile Island or the Jimmy Carter election. They are accidents that should have been prevented through careful evaluation of all people claiming to be film makers. Please, if you ever hear of a movie like this ever being made again, take a bat and start beating in the head of the director. Then take a lighter and some gasoline, and burn down the studio. Then go get a paper shredder and shred the film. Then take the remaining shreds and toss them into the fire at the movie studio. Nothing this bad should ever exist again. Good Day.
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