A Real Rotter
3 August 2003
Saw this in the theaters when I was like 10. I snuck in after watching The Bad News Bears I think, and even then I knew this movie stunk. Watching it now coincidentally on the same day I pay my cable bill is like soap in my eye. I've asked this question many times, but What were people thinking back then? I mean how can you even throw a movie like this together? Don't the performers and producers know how bad it is? Maybe this is the kind of stuff you learn only after you die. As viewing films like this brings me ever nearer to death, perhaps I haven't long to wait. One final note, this film's movie poster contains a startling example of sexual subliminal placement. Check it out, if you glance quickly, or stare at it long enough, Goldies elbow is actually photographed for your brain to see a bare b***t. But the movie still stinks.
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