Is Hasselholff-ploitation a word?? It SHOULD be
22 October 2003
Old & future TV stars collide in this bizzare sex-ploitation flick. Carl Ballantine from McHale's Navy, Mike Steele from The Rockford Files, and Regina Gleason from Days of our Lives show up.But David Hasselholff as a guy named "Boner" with his seizure-like spastic dance moves is the most ridiculous. Highlights (or lowlights depending on your view) include the aforementioned dancing, permasian cheese snorting, a food fight that goes on forever, and seeing the same dinosuars from Pee-Wee's big adventure. Over-the-top to say the least, but with a six-pack in hand it's oddly enjoyable. Kind of a guilty pleasure akin to Clue. The Dvd in Anchor Bay's Cheerleaders Collection (The Cheerleaders, Revenge of the Cheerleaders, & the Swinging Cheerleaders) is presented uncut.

My Grade: B

DVD Extras: Ex-cheerleader commentary (TOO sarcastic); Still gallery; 3 Radio spots; an 8 minute behind the scenes featurette; 2 theatrical trailers; and a TV spot

Eye Candy: both female & to a lesser extant male naughty bits are in view
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