The Wanderers (1979)
I Wander at how anyone doesn't like this movie
21 March 2004
Philip Kaufman is a great director (true some of his films are not my cup of tea, so to speak, such as "Quills" & "the Unbearable Lightness of Being", but he's had his hand in "The Right Stuff", "Indiana Jones" & "the Outlaw Josey Wales", and that ALONE qualifies him for greatness) This film is one of my favorite coming-of-age movies, having never read the book it was based on didn't deter me from falling in love with this movie. The whole cast does spot-on performances and you grow to really feel for these characters and while it seems a bit episodic, it all ties together in the end. Many memorable scenes and an amazingly good soundtrack. Definately in my top 20 of all-time.

My Grade: A

DVD Extras: Commentary by Philip Kaufman; Theatrical Trailer
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