More Wild Wild West (1980 TV Movie)
10 August 2004
I only watched about a half hour of this, but since no one else has commented I might as well say something.

I had high hopes. The original series was excellent and I recognized the director as the guy who did the very funny Support Your Local Sheriff, but the movie immediately felt a little off. The series was a clever, light-hearted action show with a weird sense of humor, but the movie went for very broad, not especially funny comedy. Martin was in pretty good form but Conrad seemed a little worn out, as though he had become an organic farmer lured back to reprise a role he was no longer too comfortable with. There was also a really dumb British spy.

The best thing was Jonathan Winters, who seems to have watched the series and understands that the villains are not comedic buffoons but rather clever, forceful madmen. Unfortunately he wasn't on screen enough in the first half hour to keep me watching.
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