22 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers

This WOULD have been great-had the movie followed the premise of the first stepford wives. It's fun to watch the nast stepford men get their due-at last!-but trouble is-if you've seen the first one-this doesn't make any sense-it's as if the writers forgot there evr was an original stepford wives! You can't take the original premise of a classic,make a sequel and just change the whole sequence of events of the first one-it's laughable, ridiculous and and just plain crazy! I am sure the writers could have come up with a plausible way to make a sequel in keeping with Stepfords' original ending-plus wouldn't it have been nice to have Joane and Bobbie back? If I could say what would have been the BEST it would have been to pick up the story with the THERAPIST Joane originally saw as the main character, maybe trying to contact her and realizing Joane was telling the truth-there IS something wrong in stepford.The therapist(can't remember her name)could then go on a quest to find out what's going on in stepford.

I see this SO MUCH with sequels not living up to the original. But this was just a joke-while it WAS nice the way the movie ended who could take it seriously knowing it has almost nothing to do with the original? To bad too, this could have been great.
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