The quintessential action film
13 September 2000
My life fades. The vision dims. All that remains are memories. I remember a time of chaos. Ruined dreams. This wasted land. But most of all, I remember the Road Warrior...

What can be said that hasn't already? The Road Warrior is undoubtedly one of the most spectacular action films ever made. It's very rare that I grant the score of 10 for a movie, but this one gets it and deserves it. From the opening imagery and narration, it almost seems like we're watching an alternate reality rather than a future sci-fi film, much unlike Mad Max's "A FEW YEARS FROM NOW..." prologue. This was a film that inspired countless ripoffs and wannabes; perhaps imitation is the most sincere form of flattery (I was secretly hoping the Y2K computer bug would destroy society so that I could put on my black leather jacket, get a pair half-pair] of football shoulder pads, and a sawed-off shotgun so I could drive around the desert and kill people for their gasoline).

I've always loved movies presenting larger-than-life heroes. Indiana Jones, Conan, Dirty Harry, Flash Gordon, James Bond, Luke Skywalker, Robocop, whoever Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee play, John McClain ... the list goes on and on. But Mel Gibson's Mad Max is #1 on my list of the greatest action movie protagonists of all-time.
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