Review of Tron

Tron (1982)
-Start of Line-
3 November 2003
OK, maybe Tron was a little cheesy, but I loved it. Disney promised us a world inside a computer and so they gave us a world inside a computer. In this movie, computer programs become people, and programmers, hackers, or just anyone who can use a computer are called users. Users are seen as gods; the creators of this digital world. It's like 'Reboot', only twelve years before 'Reboot' was even imagined.

The villain in this film is the Master Control Program (MCP). The MCP takes over programs and rules the digital world with a 'digital' iron fist. He is so intelligent that he can even communicate verbally with his user, Dillinger. All of the MCP's messages end with 'End of Line'.

It's hard to say who the real hero is, Flynn or Tron. Flynn is a user and Tron is a program, and overall I think they wouldn't have won if they didn't work together.

The CGI images were pretty good for a movie in the early 80's. To the modern viewer, they would seem cheap and lame, but they were great effects for '82. They give you the feeling of floating through digital space.

My favorite part in the movie was the lightcycle races. I think I'd be cool to drive a lightcycle. I still don't understand what the Recognizers do. They just seem to float around and chase things. That doesn't seem very threatening. Maybe if it had guns...

Overall, I think Tron is a classic and I hope it's remembered for a long time. Rent it if you can.

-End of Line-
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