Kidd Video (1984–1985)
One of the best cartoons ever
4 November 2001
No need to summarize the plot...that's already been done here.

Ok, granted, I don't really remember this show that well since, like most quality programs, it died out quickly and I don't think it was ever recycled through reruns. Nonetheless, I remember that it appealed to both my bizarre sense of humor and my love for music. Tons of off-the-wall humor and random scattered unidentifiable hilarious characters made this cartoon stand out among all the cutesy Saturday morning sludge of its time, and each episode was permeated with both original and popular 80s pop hits. I suppose this is a program you could either love, hate, or just not understand well enough to form an opinion. Regardless, it's doubtful you'll ever have an opportunity to see this show again even though it's one of the few cartoons of the '80s that could actually fit in with the countless cartoons out today that were obviously created while the cartoonists and writers were listening to "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" or something along those lines.
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