Where's the movie?
22 June 2002
Screenwriting in the 80's must have been nice. You could write your movie, and then if you're stuck for an ending, simply introduce the concept of some athletic competition that will arbitrarily allow your protagonist to triumph. `Hot Dog…the Movie' is a nonsensical bit of garbage that is funny only when broken down to its basic elements (porn, skiing, and weary character paradigms) and then mocked unmercifully. If the extended sex scenes (particularly the random wet t-shirt scene where women are forced on stage and an orgy ensues) were removed, and the skiing montages were reduced to their essence, you'd have a solid 25-minute film. About the length of a sitcom. And no, I don't consider extended nudity or scenes of super slow-motion ski jumping to be redeeming factors.

Now to the characters. Why exactly are we supposed to empathize with Harkin after he cheats on Sunny? He then actually ensues to berate Sunny for her behavior, a nice example of the sexual double standard of this film. Then two scenes later, it's as if nothing ever happened and they're back in love. I can only assume that the film was shot out of sequence and the actors neglected to read the other parts of the script. Also, are we supposed to like Sunny? Why? Because she got kicked out of another guy's truck? Hell, I would have kicked her out of my vehicle; she spends half the movie being snotty to everybody. No, my guess, given this movie's moral code, is that we're supposed to like her because we've seen her breasts.

I enjoy b-movies quite a bit, but I really couldn't bring myself to enjoy `Hot Dog…the Movie'. There just wasn't enough movie in it, just sex, random athletic endeavors, and jerks.
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