Good Idea, OK Story and So-So Graphics
21 June 2002
There are three things that you watch an Anime for, idea, story and graphics. In this movie the idea is really cleaver. If there are vampires then why would they be hiding in dark corners, after all they are almost invulnerable, have special powers and kick ass. So here you have vampire lords who rule over villages and communities and have kind of feudal arrangements with a mixed bag of creatures. The `normal people' live in fear of being a late night snack or getting infected by the vampire lords. The heroine in the story, a whip totting pre-pubescent in a short skirt, is from one of these villages and gets herself marked (i.e. bitten) by one of these lords. Now it is only a matter of time before he wants the rest.

She meets `D' who is a vampire killer and due to his special powers and great skill with a big nasty sword he is someone to be reckoned with. There are demons and dark princesses and an assortment of characters that each take advantage of being graphic creations and do a whole slew of things to keep the story rolling along.

It's hard to review this type of movie without giving away any of the plot so I will comment on how the idea or story line was developed and the graphics themselves. The story for the most part straight forward but it does get off the path where things `pop-up' and powers are added as they are needed but it holds together pretty well. There are lesser types of creatures trying to take over from the vampire lord and lots of blood and gore but with a heavy graphic quality.

The graphic themselves are a disappointment. If you have seen Ghost in the Shell or Ninja Scrolls then you have an idea of what I call good graphics and this movie has good moments but as a whole it doesn't measure up. I enjoyed this on the whole but would only recommend this to real Anime fans, for the part-time viewer there are better ones out there.
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