typical of a canadian film, but shouldn't be...
15 February 2002
this movie is everything that narrative film in canada has become associated with due to the hyper-rigidity of telefilm/canada tax credit funding projects that have a 'canadian' feel to them. it's dull, bleak, and totally unremarkable in every way, except for it's unremarkleness. if you don't see the 'surprise' ending coming, then you're not the cinephile that this particular existentialist banality would even appeal to.

dull visual hooks, like a pen brandished like a weapon for waaaaaay too long, hallmark the overlong - yet slight - running time. the performances aren't bad, but neither are the performances in thousands of other movies of even marginally more entertainment value. perhaps the story would have been better in the hands of an accomplished director. leon marr did not but marr(sic) the project.

2/10 - being very generous
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