Malone (1987)
He's EX-cop, EX-CIA, EX-plosive!
18 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
As far as I am concerned Burt Reynolds is John Malone. Or is it Richard Malone? For all I care it could Karl Malone, because it would not make a lick of difference. The movie "Malone" is a laughable little piece of clap-trap born out of the unfortunate Mr. Reynolds' lowest career point; the late 80's. His movies were of low quality as was his toupee`. Today, in my opnion, he is still riding on the crest of a five year "Boogie Nights" wave. I found his Elizabeth Taylor White Diamonds commercials absolutely delightful.

"Malone" is a movie not to be entered into lightly. Like all towering achievements in the arena of bad movies, do not watch it alone. It is best experienced in groups of four where three members of the viewing audience have already seen it and the fourth only knows of it as a joke shared between the other three.

As in countless other films of low quality, "Malone" is full of ideas that sound good in theory. A government assassin overcome with an attack of conscience burns his past identity and escapes to a nowhere town in Oregon. You realize a movie is bad when it cannot help but under-develop its own story's importance, it's reason for being.

"Malone" is fun to watch for all the wrong reasons; character motivations do not hold up under scrutiny, a sense of urgency is never established, and ***SPOILER AHEAD*** the last ten minutes or so is Burt Reynolds one-by-one murdering miscellaneous henchmen and then detonating explosives. ***END OF SPOILER***
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