Redneck Zombies (1989 Video)
C'mon, people!
3 February 2003
Reading these reviews, my mind is truly blown. People throwing around terms like "bad acting" and "cheap effects"...saying there's no plot and it looks like it was shot with a VHS camcorder. Who cares? Lighten up. The people who seriously berate this movie obviously have little to no knowledge of Full Moon or Troma films. Here's a hint. When you pick up a video and the box says "TROMA" on it, you are 100% guaranteed to find the following:

Appalling acting, Ludicrous dialogue, Poor production values, Thin plot, Outrageous effects, Copious nudity.

And nine time out of ten, you'll also find gore galore.

For what it is (a Full Moon film, distributed by Troma, Inc.), Redneck Zombies is pure gold. When I first watched it, I kicked back on my couch, cracked open a bottle of fine Belgian ale, and laughed all the way through. This movie is SUPPOSED to be's supposed to be's supposed to be stupid and cheap and lame. That is its purpose. Deal with it, or don't watch.

There's plenty here for fans of the horror genre (including some hilarious Texas Chainsaw Massacre parody scenes), and (of course) fans of Full Moon and/or Troma won't be disappointed. My personal favorite scene involves the genuinely creepy Tobacco Man. To this day, at work or in social gatherings, I'll occasionally pull out the line "Dark times is comin'." And when everyone looks at me like I've just vomited human excrement onto the rug, I know deep down that I am the coolest person in the room. But I digress.

At any rate, if you're a Troma fan like me, definitely give this one a watch. It's way up there with the original Toxie and Class of Nuke 'Em High. And don't let these negative reviewers steer you wrong. They wouldn't know CLASSIC cult horror comedy cheese if it was gnawing on their small intestine.
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