Casual Sex? (1988)
When sex is anything BUT casual!
25 July 2003
Near the beginning of the AIDS epidemic, Stacy (Lea Thompson) and Melissa (Victoria Jackson) plan a vacation at a health spa to find a "safe" guy to date and/or marry. Stacy has, as they say, "been around"; Melissa is more of a novice in the world of men. Right away, they run into obnoxious Vinny, who displeases them both and makes them doubt if they are going about things the right way. Things improve. In between classes of exercise, Stacy hooks up with Nick, a spa employee who sings at the social gatherings. Melissa, too, earns the attention of good guy Jamie, a massage therapist. Will there be any obstacles on the path to true love? Of course!

This is a genuinely funny movie about sex, told from a woman's viewpoint. There are some great speeches about the mysterious ways of men and women, offered by Stacy and Melissa. Scenes at the spa are both entertaining and lovely to look upon. Then, too, Andrew Dice Clay, as Vinny, gives a performance that sizzles and surprises with its ever-growing sincerity. Viewers who think they've seen every decent romantic comedy will have missed something special if they pass this one by. Hopefully, video stores and libraries will still have a copy of this nice film in stock.
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