Review of Blossom

Blossom (1990–1995)
Up there in re-run heaven
14 January 2000
From the absolutely non-catchy theme song to the interesting assortment of characters (a druggie, a moron, another moron that wants to sleep with the first moron, etc..) to the lame storylines (Will Blossom have sex? was the topic of at least 10 episodes) Blossom never ceased to underachieve. The Russo's were like the Cosby's except for being less funny and in more need of therapy. Mr. Russo always went on about his dead wife and Joey Lawrence became the main character by default because the other characters were uber-Urkels. It was a sign of its times. Blossom, while credit is given for creativity, often wore what looked like scraps from the fabric store stapled together for the maximum defect. I see it on re-runs every now and then but why? Maybe if you want to see why NBC was always suffering low ratings in the years before "Friends" and "Seinfeld."
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