a ten at four in the morning
17 August 2002
Ninety five degrees of August heat yesterday so my wife Lynn

comes down with a miserable cold and sore throat. Even though

our crib is air conned to the max, she's restless and can't sleep.

She goes downstairs at four in the morning and turns on the

teevee. The Dark Backward comes on the tube as movies like the

Dark Backward are wont to do at four o'clock in the morning in the

middle of misery. She manages to watch this filthy three armed

oddity featuring not only Judd Nelson, Bill Paxton AND Wayne

Newton but also Lara Flynn Boyle, James Caan AND Rob Lowe.

Not to mention King Moody the original McDonald's pitchman as

Twinkie Doodle. Lynn lasted about an hour, fired up the video tape.....as much to

prove that this thing actually existed and wasn't an influenza stoked

hallucination as to finish watching it. She started telling me about

the movie when she returned to bed in the darkness just before

dawn. I listened in half conscious astonishment as she described

four hundred pound hookers, a Doctor named Scurvy and a

garbage laden town called Blumph.

The next morning, we went downstairs, turned on the VCR and

watched the concluding hour of DarK Backward. What a stupendously, surreal, unapologetic and screwy film. How the hell

do these thngs ever get made? Thank God they do because

anyone might be going through hell at any particular four in the

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