The Legacy of North Texas
26 November 2003
So let me pitch a movie to you. It stars Scott Bakula, Sinbad, Jason Bateman, Rob Schneider, and the director of "Mr. Mom." What's not to like?

Okay, ideally all those factors should cancel each other out, but... no. This is a moderately entertaining movie at best; not worth a rental, but in the top-tier of movies they show ad-nauseum on basic cable. Comedy Central should add this one to their rotation. I'm not kidding.

It's a footnote on the resume of every actor involved, with the exception of the Unversity of North Texas campus, in scenic Denton, 30 miles north of Dallas/Ft. Worth. Much of the campus has changed since 1991 (including the football stadium), and the telescope Sinbad teaches with has been moved, with bemusement, to the UNT Observatory, 20 minutes north of campus.

Sometime later in the 21st Century, when North Texas gains a little more notoriety, people will point and remember famous alums such as Peter Weller, Roy Orbison, "Mean" Joe Greene and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin... and they'll remember this movie. Six points for the Location Scout.

Three points for the guys who wrote the script (a few good lines, and Kathy Ireland in tights), and no points for the director. Even so, we film-watchers could do worse.

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