The Golden Palace (1992–1993)
Great Show
6 May 2003
This show is currently playing in Living TV in the UK, i've been taping. Anyway this show is very good and very funny. Maybe it was ended as a combination that Bea Arthur was right- that THe Golden Girls outstayed it's welcome. But Dorothy is a noticeable absence. There are still 3 girls- But Sophia strictly wouldn't be counted as a golden girl- she's a main character but the other three are the ones always still dating and fighting- Sohia's just pure comedy, Anyway- no one else can be sarcastic to Rose as Dorothy can- which is noticeably misses- but this show is just as funny- and may as well just be thought of as another season of the Golden Girls- tohugh the tune and title chagned- between scenes it plays those little melodies and all still. They should someday have either a reunion golden girls episode- or a full theatrical Movie or something

This show is great.
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