Nearly as good as the first
24 March 2001
When I saw Tetsuo: Ironman this past January, I was amazed. While I had always been intrigued by the video's box, I had never heard anything about it. It blew me away with its visceral imagery and insanity. Now, finally, I've seen Tetsuo II. I gave the first one a 10/10 on imdb, and I give II a 9/10. This one is amazingly directed, filmed, acted, and developed. It has lost a bit of the first one's viscerality, and the plot is a bit more conventional (although it has just a few discernable conventions, like the rivalry between brothers in youth, the fact that one of them was good and one of them was evil, etc. Really, though, when you see it you'll probably not be thinking it conventional at all). Also, the first film's breakneck speed has been slowed down a little. In the first one, the plot was difficult, if not impossible, to understand. Body Hammer takes time to make us understand, and that is not necessarily a good thing. Still, Tetsuo II is a very great film. I just wish Shinya Tsukamoto had more films available in America!
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