Overrated navel gazing
13 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers
*****Some spoilers*****

I was actually expecting to like this quite a lot - although I hadn't thought much of Three Colours White I decided to give the series the benefit of the doubt and continue persevering because I had heard so many good things about this installment. It seems this was a mistake. Three Colours Blue is exactly the kind of film that action loving Hollywood film fans so gleefully laugh about. After a promising opening it becomes very slow and very little happens throughout. This is probably because it concerns a woman coming to terms with the death of her husband and daughter in something approaching complete isolation, but that's no excuse for making something as thoroughly uninteresting as this. Things do start to liven up a bit towards the end with the introduction of the husbands secret lover, but this is topped off by possibly the most horrible closing scene of any movie ever - it seems to start with Juliet Binoche having sex in a glass box full of water, then goes through a roll-call of all the characters looking thoughtful and deep. Overall, while this is far more ambitious than Three Colours White it does not pull off a success. Sometimes you have to drop a little bit of the subtlety to include something an audience can actually enjoy and engage with.
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