Pretty Good Sequal to the original Highlander
12 October 2003
First of all Highlander III: The sorcerer is the french title used for this film, I just thought I'd clear that up real quick.

Those of us that live in America know Highlander III as Highlander: The Final Dimension.

Highlander is heavly criticized due to the fact that Highlander II: The Quickening came before it. I look at it this way, Highlander II is like Halloween III it has nothing to do with the rest of the series the only exception is that it does involve Conner Macleod, unlike Halloween III which doesn't involve Michael Myers at all.

I did not see the theatrical version of Highlander: The Final Dimension, I just recently came across a copy of the R rated Directors Cut of this film. This cut of this film is excellent and it is a nice sequal to the original Highlander if you forget about Highlander II.

I think I can understand why this film was criticized, the theatrical version was probably released half assed with the scenes all cut up. The Directors Cut is pure and complete.

I'd like to comment on the love scene in this film between Conner and the female lead, it is almost on a pornographic level and it is no wonder that they wouldn't allow that to get into theatre's. It is greatly welcomed in this release though.

Mako does an excellent Job as Macleod's new trainer at the beginning of the film, he knows he is going to die and on at least three occasions gives Conner the opportunity to take his head, he idiotically refuses and his trainers powers fall into the hands of evil an evil that would hunt MaCloud many centuries later.

Those that say that this is a remake of the original are greatly mistaken and should rent the directors cut of this film and watch this one again.

MaCloud did win the prize in the original film, it just so happens that when the sorcerer is resurrected the game begins again,Macloud is actually defending the prize he already won, he gets an even greater prize when he kills the Sorcerer, he recieves the powers and knowledge of his trainer and his power of illusion, besides the overall prize.

Many have asked about Highlander: Endgame, this film only works if you think of it as many years later, this film also is based on the television series too, we have both Conner and Duncan in this one. IF you see the pilot of that show Conner is there, we learned that he trained Duncan after finding him almost dead after a battle. This film pretty much wraps up that series and it tries to finish off the film series as well, it is confusing but you can make sense out of it if you try. The Villian in that film tops them all as he doesn't care about the rules, in fact he breaks every one including the Holy Ground rule.

If anyone else can figure out the link between Highlander I, III, the series and Endgame, feel free to write another commentary with updated information and your own thoughts of what if.

Highlander: The Final Dimension is under-rated and the Directors Cut of this film should be viewed for best performance.

There can be only one, yes in the end there can be only one, we do not know when the end will be, it could be the end of time for all we know, immortals are always being born throughout the centuries and years, we don't know who they are or where they are, at the time end of time one man shall stand alone, at that point there can be only one, but it will be almost an eternity before every immortal is killed in fact the game has the potential to last an eternity.

Those were just some words to think about next time you watch any of the Highlander films(except II) and when you watch the show.
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