22 February 2001
At one point a friend said to me that Andrew McCarthy is one of the kings of Bad movies. Ok, ok, "Weekend at Bernies" or some of the others may be ok, but they are not very memorable and would be on few top 100 or 1000 lists.

Anyway, Night of the Running Man, brings this idea of McCarthyism into the 90's (1994), and once again it rings true.

The concept of the movie is ok: $1 mil in the taxi, a killer is after you, and you run. But, alas it is really simplified. Scott Glen, plays the killer without morals, so much so, that we know something is up come ending time.

There are also little type goofs, like McCarthy's feet are burned so badly that he is supposed to be bedridden for 2 or so weeks, yet in 2 days, he is walking without any limps.

Also, "night " is a bit of a mis-nomer as the movie takes place over days.

Oh well, what else do you expect?

Other thrillers are better, but you may like this.

Viewed on tape, Rating = 4
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