Superb acting in a flawless production
8 January 2001
Two of France's great actors give flawless performances as a couple whose marriage is sadly in need of repair. The problem started it seems when they allowed little irritations to accumulate instead of discussing them openly and finding immediate solutions. In a word, this film is about lack of communication between partners. It is so true to life that it's almost painful at times as the couple perpetually nit-pick and argue using hurtful suggestions and criticising every look and gesture. The dialogue is excellent - brief, terse, unforgiving with mounting impatience. As eavesdroppers on their marital problems we become emotionally involved and begin to wonder which of the partners will be the first to crack under the strain. Separation seems inevitable. Early resentments now become uncontrollable outbursts with physical violence. Which partner will leave first? Important to the story is the character of the 18 months old baby, intensely loved by both parents. The sweet innocence of the baby ( Nice little actor!)gives some relief to the bitterness of the sparring parents. Anne asks Pierre:"What made me fall in love with you?" She tells him. The answer will surprise you. The ending of the film may surprise you, too.
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