Surprisingly enjoyable!!
6 November 2002
Warning: Spoilers
A few years ago when I got into the Halloween series, just as H20 was coming out I watched all the Halloween films before its release. It was only after I watched H20 i even realised there was a Halloween 6, it was no where to be seen in shops and I only found out when it was on Channel 5! That alone tells you this film isn't highly rated!

So I watched expecting very little, if anything hoping it would explain the end of Halloween 5. I have to say it was a thoroughly enjoyable 90 minutes and passed all expectations. Not only did it bring back Jamie, but introduces her new born child, and brings back old characters such as the popular Dr. Loomis and Tommy Doyle (now a slightly ecentric loner). The start is very shocking, especillay the grizzly death of the nurse! In my opinion this film had Michael Myers at his meanest and best I've ever seen him since the original (Unlike Ressurection...that was very frustrating!!) He looked good, the mask was great, and he didn't toy with his victims, he was just his ruthless self (the hospital scene at the end!!)

**(Spoilers follow)** The death of Jamie was very dissapointing, especillay after all the cheering her on, everyone did in Halloween 4/5, but this has to be expected with todays horror movies (we see this at its worst in Halloween Ressurection!). But when she got, boy did she get it! By far one of the most gross Halloween killings. Dr. Loomis does look too old in this but this can't be helped, and its great to see him back. The main reason people hate this is because the explanations of why Michael is the way he is, ok the whole star thing is a little exaggerated, but surely its better than H20's explanation...are we really meant to believe he just waited around for 20 years! I really liked Tommy Doyles character in this, and the way he stood up upto Myers. The Strode family were easy targets to raise the death toll of this movie, haha but you have to love John Strodes death, no matter how stupid it is! He's not shown as the nicest guy in this film so you know he's gonna get it bad! The final finale is fantastic, and Myers is truly scary, especillay the tunnel scene (does Michael actually run there!). Overall no this isn't the best in the series by far, but it's definitly up there with the most enjoyable! I give it 8/10.
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