Inebriated partially-clothed middle-aged women
2 February 2003
As pointed out in other reviews, the veracity of the title leaves

something to be desired. I humbly suggest my one line summary

above as a more truthful substitute.

Having panned the title, what about the film? ..nothing worth paying

theatre admission prices to see, but it will still cost you 95 minutes

of your life, even if you see it "free."

And why would you want to do that? Maybe if you are curious about

techniques of character diminution that women can employ on

each other, you could find examples here. (BTW, note that I didn't

say ALL women do this.)

Then there is Dana Delany, who plays Jill, the strong one for the

better part of the movie. You may wind up hating her as her true

character in this role is revealed, but she is good at what she

does. In her other film works she brought life to "Exit to Eden" in a

really silly role as the "queen" of an island where people go to play

out their sexual fantasies. She plays a beautiful, but "dirty

double-crossing woman" in "The Right Temptation" in which she

cons Rebecca DeMornay into seducing her husband.

Most of the problems with this movie center around the annoying

overacting, exaggerated gestures, and excessive foul language.

You may get the feeling that you're watching an episode of an

"R-rated" soap focusing on an all-girls club meeting. But, what the

heck, if you like that sort of thing, why not?
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