Why you should not waste your time on this film
6 May 2004
I wouldn't recommend this for anyone. Everything that was good about the first 2 was destroyed by this monstrosity. John Ritter made the first 2 movies what they were. His brand of subtle, neurotic humor brought a touch of class to 2 gross out humor movies. William Katt is terrible as Ben Healy. He tries to be quirky like John Ritter but falls miserably short. This film could have stood a dose of Amy Yasbeck as well, as she was great in the first 2 playing completely different characters. I'm sure she took one look at the script and went running, though. Justin Chapman is OK as Junior, he does adequately with the script he was given, but I will only ever see Michael Oliver in that role.

Once again, people can't stop messing with a good thing. The cheesy special effects, the low budget filming, and the embarrassing script make one wonder why people even take on projects like this. Nothing about this film was original or funny and it is a complete waste of time.
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