Not as good as the original but still silly fun to be had
5 December 2002
Years after his original adventures, Earl Bassett has been screwed out of many of the royalties from the games etc generated from his discovery of the `grabzoids' and now runs a small emu farm. However spottings of the beasts in Mexico get him and his eager new assistant Grady employed at $50K per beast to kill them and open up a new oil field. All goes well until they find that they are dealing with significant numbers of the beasts and turn to old friend Burt for support. But is that the only surprise the grabzoids have in store for Earl?

Ah, Tremors. A great film that harked back to the old B movie creature features and was, in a nutshell, a real fun movie to watch. It was with a sense of dread that I sat down to watch the sequel – feeling it would be vastly inferior and lose a lot of the fun. It was inferior but it wasn't as poor as I had feared. The plot is stretched to get Earl back on the hunt but it is OK after that, or at least as good as it needs to be. My first reservation was that the film seemed content to show the creatures immediately – taking away form their impact by showing their rubberness. This weakness carry through the film with the heat seekers and, although the effects were passable, I preferred the moving soil effects from the original.

However it is all still good fun and manages to keep much of the spirit of the original by not taking itself too seriously. This is shown in the replacement of Kevin Bacon with `Grady'. Rather than just try and put him in the film and move on, the characters all refer to him as `the new guy' etc. It works because the script has basically taken our criticisms of sequels and made a joke of it. Ward is good here but he really misses his chemistry with Bacon. Gartin is annoying as some sort of slacker but the self mocking jokes at his expense help ingratiate him to me. Shaver is a poor replacement for the female role but it is good to have Gross back in a funny role.

The film is a little more effects focused this time which weakens it slightly. It also is a lot more gory, in an unpleasant way at times, which took away from the feeling of it all being a bit of fun. Overall this is not as good as the fun, free-wheeling original but it is still enjoyable enough to overlook the weaknesses and give it a go.
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