A surprisingly sweet movie!
30 March 1999
I'll admit that amongst my rabid obsession with horror films and morbid dramas, lies a deep love for witty romance films.

I loved this one.

The dialogue and characterization was surprisingly well done, and the story, although old, was played out well.

The cast was excellent, too. Ione Skye is so beautiful, and very talented. She played the lonely girl perfectly. I cannot imagine a better actress for her part...her eyes said something to me while watching, as did her heart and soul she put into this role. Jennifer Aniston, whom I'm not a big fan of, was actually well written, and her knack for switching accents though out the film was quite funny. The standout character was David, played by Mackenzie Astin.

He's a nice guy, plain and simple. His dialogue was witty, charming, and never went over the pretentious mark. His character actually meant something to me, and for once, I agreed with his role. I think he has a bright future ahead of him, and I even think he is a better actor than his older sibling, Sean.

I loved the romance that built between David and Frankie. Even though we have seen this kind of mushy clap trap on screen several times before, it just seemed to work differently here.

Overall, this is a surprisingly sweet, well acted and non-pretentious romance film that deserves more recognition.

I loved it, very much.
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