It isn't about the child
8 January 2001
Warning: Spoilers
To me, this was not a film about a "disturbed" child, but about parents. The parents made, apparently, no effort to explain the biological difference between boys and girls. Second, nobody enlightened the child on the difference between your secret, internal sensitivities and those that one displays publicly. Any 7-year-old is capable of understanding these things, and Ludovic would have, too. Third, cross-dressing is much more common in our world than most people think, and Ludovic's childhood feelings are not at all rare, nor are they "bent".

Childhood (and adult) sexual identity ambiguity is not a clear cut yes-or-no proposition. It can take many forms in a vast grey area. While Transvestitism typically associats with Homosexuality, Cross-dressing does not, and virtually all closet Cross-dressers are in fact Hetrosexuals with reasonably successful sex lives. A child at 7 has a very unclear idea of what marriage entails, and his expressed wish to "marry" the other boy is far from being an indication that, with a matured sexuality, L. would have been a homosexual. Sexuality is not yet within his grasp or ken.

SPOILER: I predict that in adulthood, Ludovic becomes a totally heterosexual cross-dresser, well appreciated by women who value his sensitivity. They will be lovely, caring women like his sisters, and not necessarily women with ambiguities of their own like Christine.
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