I am astonished about some reactions
31 May 2001
I am astonished about some reactions

I am amazed to read things like this, "To me, this was not a film about a "disturbed" child, but about parents. The parents made, apparently, no effort to explain the biological difference between boys and girls. Second, nobody enlightened the child on the difference between your secret, internal sensitivities and those that one displays publicly.", have you really not understood this movie or was it me?

Of course this movie is not about a disturbed child! Maybe this movie is about the fact that all people, from the moment they are born, are conditioned to be like this and like that, and especially not to be themselves. Boys have to play with cars and guns, and girls with barby puppets, and most definitely not the other way around, otherwise you should take your kid to a therapist. Boys have to wear trousers and girls skirts or frogs, just check school uniforms, there are still quite some schools where girls may not wear trousers except for the really cold winter months. A child can not explore the world in a natural way, whenever it yells to test the capacity of its lungs, and any adult might dislike that, it is silenced, with other words whenever they are themselves, they are silenced. We are all conditioned like rats in a skinner box and we are no more and no less than rats in a skinner box until we can say f**k you to that society, those politicians, law enforcers, teachers, parents, employers, media, so called friends that don't accept us like we are, etc that gratefully fulfill the role of skinner. Maybe the biological difference between the two sexes is much less clear than most of us think and are people in the first place humans rather than men and women, and maybe hormonal and genetical, there are many stages between "absolute woman" and "absolute man".

I also don't think that the film wants to implement that the boy could have these feelings as a secret, but nobody else may know that. With other words you are saying the same like all the other skinners, whatever you think, try not to give in to it, and keep acting like a robot, wearing your mask because your real self is disgusting and abnormal, and something to be ashamed of. For myself, i am a guy, but i like to wear long skirts, noting to do with gender (there is fundamentally nothing female about a skirt) because the are comfortable and give your legs much more freedom than trousers, but i never wear them when I'm at my hometown, because i just don't feel like being stared at by the local baker, neighbors, etc. I just can't cope with being the weirdo again, and i am like everybody else in this society threatened with being laughed at, being discredited,... if i am myself.

I also read:"Great! Great! Great! I've told everyone I know to see this one! Really a fun, entertaining, charming, sweet film. It will take you emotionally all over the place. But believe me, it is really a great emotional ride. I love to see films like this that show all aspects of life! Enjoy this one with several friends!"

I think this film was everything except charming, entertaining, sweet, fun... I think this film tries to confront people with the DISGUSTING society to which they all contribute, it is a good movie, but it has nothing to do with sweetness and charm and the like. Now sorry for the enraged start that i took, of course everyone understands a movie in their way, and i don't want to sound patronizing, but i was shocked by some reactions.
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